Life is full of risky activities and the same goes true with the sexual ones. The only way to keep yourself and your family safe is through proper education and prevention in this regard, failing which may bring a worst disaster.

Having sex is a natural part of life and nothing at all to be ashamed of. Still, sexual activity can be fraught with certain health issues –– some more obvious than others.

There are always a number of risks involved every time you engage in sexual activity. Attaining a state of zero risk is almost impossible practically, but you can reach nearest if you and your sexual partner take the following preventive measures before, during and after undergoing the sexual activity. Check out our guide here for more information:

1. Get Tested for STDs

Sexually transmitted diseases or STDs are the worst threat against the sexual wellness of most individuals. These commonly have no obvious symptoms and are, hence, undetectable to you and your partner unless both of you get tested for them. Undoubtedly, to get through these tests psychologically is a nerve wracking experience which most people are reluctant to pass through. But, at the same time, with the advancement of medical sciences and technology, it has become possible to undertake most of the tests with same day appointments and get treated or cured shortly afterward.

2. Be Honest with Your Partner

Don’t be afraid to be honest with your partner about your sexual history. Unfortunately, a lot of couples lack this blessing of frankness and confidence and end up suffering badly in the long run. So, be the first to share and discuss the things with your partner if you’re concerned at all about your well-being.

3. Avoid having any sexual activity until you speak to a doctor

The best prevention or precaution to remain safe is to abstain from any sexual activity whatsoever until or unless your family doctor allows you to do so. Showing patience in this regard is much better than enjoying for a while and then facing a lot of troubles afterwards.

4. Use quality condoms every time

Using quality condoms correctly and consistently improves the chances of your remaining safe after the sexual activity. Also, make sure to wear condoms throughout your sexual act and never use condoms with nonoxynol-9 as these irritate female’s vagina badly. If lacking, you must learn to use condoms properly through reading and following the instructions written on the packet carefully.

5. Use gloves and dams for oral sex

Oral sex involving fingers must be undertaken with gloves of some good quality on your hands whereas oral sex must be done using dams to avoid any risk involved. Remember, touching each other’s body at the uncovered parts may also cause the transfer of some STD through skin.

6. Always avoid using each other’s towels and underclothing

Our clothing must carry germs and, hence, chances are that their touch can transfer these germs to and from your partner. So, it is highly advisory never to use these things as towels, handkerchiefs, undergarments, etc.

7. Develop the habit of washing your body before and after having sex

Your body in general and genital parts in particular are likely to be polluted with a lot of germs for STDs. The washing of these parts thoroughly just before and after sex, particularly intercourse, can prove a good precautionary measure against the spread of STDs. Wiping them out with tissues does not give the same result as drawn by water. So, washing with running water is the safest.

8. Try your best to avoid becoming drug and alcohol abuse

Drugs and alcohol can lead to bad choices. Always exercise extra caution if you’ve been drinking and try to avoid sexual contact unless you’re sober.

9. Get yourself vaccinated against Hepatitis B

There is a series of three shots in this regard and the sooner you get them, the better.

10. Trust your partner and be confined to him/her alone

Once you and your partner have got through various tests for STDs and have been proved negative, you must trust each other and restrict yourself to your trusted partner alone. Changing your sex partner randomly and frequently without being aware of his or her medical status is really very risky. It must also be remembered that both of you must go through STD tests after every six months regularly.

Following the above guideline will keep you and your partner safe and sound to the maximum, but complications regarding STDs are limitless. So, be alert all the time.

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Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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