I have been struggling since years to gain weight and to achieve this goal I joined and left gym numerous times but all in vain. If you are not working out regularly then gaining weight would always be a dream for a hard gainer. When you go to gym or exercise regularly, you feel hungry and you eat more to compensate for the calories that you have burned. As a hard gainer, I never realized that it is food or diet that plays a vital role in gaining weight, the work out contributes around 30% in your overall muscle building no matter if you are trying different workouts for a bigger chest. This list of Best Foods to Gain Weight will definitely help you build some good muscles and your efforts to become muscular from skinny.

25 Weight Gain Foods List

1. Milk

2. Homemade Protein Smoothies

3. Rice

4. Nuts

5. Nut Butters

6. Red Meats

7. Potatoes

8. Starches

9. Salmon

10. Oily Fish

11. Protein Supplements

12. Whole Grain Bread

13. Dried Fruit

14. Avocados

15. Healthy Cereals

16. Cereal Bars


17. Dark Chocolate

18. Whole Eggs

19. Cheese

20. Fat Yogurt

21. Healthy Fats

22. Oils

23. Pasta

24. Other Starches

25. Oats

Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.


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