If you are a person who loves to travel around the world, then, for sure, when you come to a particular country, you prefer to rent a car to spend your vacation most comfortably. A car is especially important when you are planning your route to those places that are not popular among many tourists.

If many people travel to other countries to see how other people live and also to experience other parts of the world, then many tourists come to Dubai to rent a luxury sports car, which many people can’t afford to buy. Sports cars are the most sought-after option, so you can see people who rent Lamborghini Dubai on the roads of the city. In addition, tourists come here because such cars can be rented here at a reasonable price. Specialists of car rental companies provide high-quality service and are focused on customer satisfaction.

However, some tourists are not ready to spend thousands of dollars on car rental. In this regard, they have to study companies in destinations where it is cheapest to rent a vehicle. In this article, we will talk about some countries where the cost of rent is one of the highest in the world.


Seeing photos and videos from this country on the net, many cannot but add it to their list of places to visit, because here the beauty of nature can be seen in all its grandeur. Due to this, every year there is a huge influx of tourists.

Many people prefer to travel alone because here you can find peace and tranquility and in this regard, the most preferred option for many people who come here is compact cars. On average, such a car can be rented for 70-80 dollars per day.


The period when good weather is observed in this country is too short. That is why in the tourist season the cost of renting skyrockets. In addition, compared to other countries, there are not so many companies that offer such services, and this also has a special impact on the increase in rental prices. Company experts note that the most popular choice of travelers is full-size vans. The cost of renting such a car per day is from 80 to 90 dollars.


Compared to Iceland, you won’t have any problems finding car rentals in this country, as there are a huge number of them. A distinctive feature of car rental in this country is that on the websites of companies if you want to make a reservation in advance, you will not be able to select the specific model that you would like to rent. You will only be asked to select a vehicle class.

In general, here you can find an option that will cost you about 50-60 dollars per day, but if you arrive during a period of high demand, then the cost rises to 80-100 dollars per day.


As in any other country, the high tourist season means an increase in the cost of services and because of this most incoming travelers prefer to choose economical cars. Here you can find a great option, the rental price of which starts from $40 per day.
Many travelers note that this country is one of the most difficult for motorists. This is because most of the roads are narrow. Also, many note that the number of places where you can park your vehicle is low.


When you arrive in any country and do not want to limit yourself to traveling around major cities, but want to arrange a tour of several cities, then you cannot do without renting a car. However, before you ship to your destination, it is necessary to study the prices, as you may find that you will not be able to travel and not spend a lot of money.

Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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