Most people want to have some control over their environment but do not always have the money to do as they want to affect that control. This just means that cheaper home interior techniques need to be employed in order to make the desired changes. Some of those techniques can make for some dramatic changes in a person’s environment and can make a huge difference in a person’s perspective. When even a slight change can make for a dramatic makeovers, a complete make-over can be literally life-changing. Because of this, tracking down some simple tips is well worth the investment in time.

The bedroom is probably the best place to start. Nowhere is better than where you will be spending most of your time. Ignoring the walls for just a bit, the furniture is the best place to start. Just changing out the dresser can make for a major change, especially when it is scarred and scratched; thrift stores are the place to look, especially as they can have some incredible options. The bed can make for a nice change; as such it may worth hitting up a mattress sale or two and possibly pick up a new frame. Throw in a mini-fridge and some bookshelves and the remodel is done.

The windows are something that define the house and so we should begin with some curtain solutions. Curtains take up the greatest amount of space and it is easy to match the paint to them. They cover the largest area and so should be considered carefully. They are important because they help regulate the heat of the house by maintaining a barrier between the outside and inside. Backed by a good set of blinds, they define the general appearance of any room. Try to pick a set of curtains that are capable of keeping the cold out but also works with your personality. You are going to have to deal with them for a while, after all. If they happen to be able to retract easily as well, so much the better.

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The walls can be complicated, and so they need to be looked at in terms of surface, signage, and decoration. It needs to be decided if paint or wallpaper will be used for the surface of the walls. Wallpaper can be easy to install, but it may be a little impersonal. It is also great for those planning on a few posters and other decorations. Painting the wall can be used to great effect, especially if painters tape is used to create stripes in certain areas, and even designs on the wall. Paint can be used for greater control over the situation and can actually be a reasonably inexpensive option. While murals are best left to those with some talent for painting, even adding a few stripes can make for a major difference. In general, if you have some talent and time, painting is the better option. Otherwise, wallpaper may not be a bad idea.

There is a wide range of signage that can work. Portraits and other pictures make great reminders of family and friends, as well as major events and other signatory situations. Posters from concerts, movies, and just general fun make for some great ways to cover wall space, especially if they represent something important to the person, and most of these are under $20. Note that this also includes street signs, but the illegality of those decorations should be noted. Rounding it out are all of the other possible wall decorations, such as hat racks and other decorations like cases of small toys. Anything that goes on the wall should be debated and, therefore, have a place.

In short, there are a lot of really great tips for making some decidedly dramatic effects. One would be surprised at some of the other inexpensive decorating tips out there. Ultimately, the person affecting the changes needs to make some decisions as to the overall effect that they are shooting for and go for it; there are a dozen ways to accomplish just about any sort of change and most of them can be accomplished very cheaply if properly investigated. It is your space; decorate it as you will and have fun doing it!

Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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