Books, stories, and educational activities are essential in developing early literacy skills. You can use several strategies to increase your child’s literacy levels. For example, you can encourage activities like reading. This article will dive deeper into some of the best ways to help your kids develop a love for reading.

1. Reading Aloud with Your Child

Studies have shown that reading together builds a vital bond between parents and children, helps to build vocabulary and storytelling skills, and can improve the child’s understanding of a language. In addition, reading everything in sight, such as the cereal box, library books, and signs on the road, even for just a few minutes, can help improve literacy skills.

2. Reading Quality Children’s Books

Children’s books can make it more fun to learn. Many wonderful children’s books teach letters, sounds, stories, and other basic literacy skills. In addition, these books can help children develop comprehension and a love of reading. The best kids’ books have engaging illustrations and good stories that hold a child’s attention and are written with an easy-to-follow storyline. The book pack for children offers many books that can help your child learn and are affordable. Seek out bookstores with large selections of kids’ books at affordable prices.

3. Tell Stories to Your Child

Stories are an essential part of everyone’s life and an excellent way for children to learn. Kids love listening to stories, and it becomes easy for them to memorize new vocabulary words or learn new letter sounds you use. Studies show that kids can tell stories better if their parents do them first, which can also be enjoyable. Try doing some family storytelling at bedtime or reading bedtime books to the child together.

4. Learning Sorts, Games, and Puzzles

Recognizing letters, numbers, and other basic literacy concepts is essential for a child’s budding vocabulary. When you are reading together or doing any educational play, encourage them to grab a card or sort from a puzzle and see what they can find. Games or number-matching cards also help children learn how to count and match letters.

Using flashcards can also be a fun way to play games that help kids learn letter sounds or practice counting. Educational board games can also spark a child’s interest in game playing and reading.

5. Identifying Letter Sounds

When your child is learning to read, they need to start by identifying sounds. The more they are exposed to books, games, and educational activities that help them get familiar with letter sounds, the sooner they should be ready to start reading.

6. Drawing

Create a book based around a child’s favorite topics, and encourage them to draw all the pictures. A parent can turn the drawings into a subject the child can use. Anything involving drawing letters, numbers, and pictures fosters a deep connection between reading and writing in children. It also expands their creativity and imagination, which is linked to increased reading skills later in life.

7. Singing

Singing to your child has also been shown to help increase their literacy skills. Studies have found that children who are sung to early have higher vocabulary levels when they go to preschool, and that singing helps develop memory, attention span, and listening skills. Singing nursery rhymes is one of the best ways for a child to start knowing the sounds of letters and numbers.

8. Use of Toys and Instruments

Talking toys allow kids to represent letters and numbers in their play, which will help them learn to associate words with shapes, sounds, and pictures. Playdough is also a great tool for building fine motor skills, which are important for later writing letters and numbers.


Activities like reading aloud together will definitely help your child in their development. Using high-quality children’s books is useful in telling stories to help build vocabulary, comprehension, and storytelling abilities. You can also do educational activities with children that teach letter sounds.

If you are looking for ways to help your child learn how to read and improve literacy skills, the above tips should give you a great place to start. However, every child is different, so there are many other ways to help boost your child’s early literacy skills.

Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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