An insurer launches a decalogue to protect clients against possible scams in contracting deceptive policies.

One of the biggest insurance companies denounces the “exponential” increase in fraud attempts in the sale of false insurance through various marketing channels but especially through digital media. In fact, given the increase in these fraudulent offers, the insurer has published a decalogue of tips so that insurance users and clients do not fall into the traps of this false marketing.

Bestcarinsurancewsa joins them and warns of the need to mistrust and avoid cash payments in this type of contracting, not to trust suspiciously low offers, and not to contract any type of policy or service from alleged “sellers” or non-professional websites.

Philippe de Mingo, Director of Fraud and Recovery at AXA, warns that “the important thing is that people are aware of how professional mediators work and fraud cases are avoided.” “The insurance sector,” adds this expert, “fights intensely against fraud in claims management but must also make efforts to raise awareness and warn of fraud attempts that take advantage of our solvency and image.”

Among the practices that the alleged scammers use to cajole potential customers, the use of anonymous sales channels through ad channels, mass sending of phishing messages, or emails attaching false documentation stands out. In most cases, these scams use images of well-known and solvent insurance companies that see their reputation damaged by these scams.

The #quenotelacuelen campaign asks to distrust suspiciously low prices and go to professional and authorized mediators

Through the until #quenotelacuelen, the company AXA will disseminate through social networks the cases and attempts of fraud detected and will announce new attempts and forms of deception and crime that appear. At the moment, the decalogue made public to prevent customers from being scammed is based on:

  1. Distrust “suspiciously low” prices
  2. Do not pay in cash for the contracting of policies or services
  3. The so-called “fraudsters” want to make a killing by especially offering car policies
  4. Go to professional mediators authorized by the General Directorate of Insurance and official websites of official mediators and insurance entities
  5. Be wary of alleged distributors who do not provide prior information about the product
  6. Not believing in offers “to avoid paying a fine”, “to pass the ITV” or “to remove the vehicle from the warehouse”
  7. Do not trust policies or offers that offer “fleet insurance” for private vehicles
  8. Be wary of advertisements and offers whose text mixes vehicle brands or colors
  9. Suspect any unsolicited and/or unknown communication, especially if it is accompanied by the communication of some type of award
  10. Consult the company or the trusted mediator if you have any questions

Most scams try to fish for customers by offering auto policies.

Learn to Recognize if Your Auto Insurance Policy Is Fake

There are several ways you can find out if the auto insurance policy you purchased is fake. Get to know them and open your eyes wide!

Auto insurance fraud is a headache for drivers, and being a victim of one can bring significant losses of money, time, and energy, as well as legal consequences if you are involved in an incident with damage to third parties and do not have an authentic and legal civil liability policy, the possession of which is a legal requirement in the United States and most civilized countries.

In the last year, the number of frauds linked to some insurance has increased, to a volume such that, of the 23 thousand calls that the Citizen Council of Public Safety and the Attorney General in Mexico receives monthly, 29% are linked to some type of fraud.

Although there is no concrete figure on the losses of the insurance sector due to fraud, the estimate rises to millions of dollars, according to the Mexican Association of Insurance Institutions (AMIS).

Here are some tips for you to learn to differentiate an apocryphal policy from a real and legal one so that you avoid falling into fraud and being fooled by unauthorized people:

Waters With the “Chocolate” Documents!

One of the most common frauds when applying for car insurance is that the documentation provided is apocryphal or altered.

Always pay attention to these details BEFORE PAYING for a policy:

  • The insurer you choose must be recognized by the National Insurance and Bonding Commission.
  • Read the conditions of your policy carefully, as well as the respective exceptions to the clauses.
  • Sign once you agree with absolutely everything that is read in it.
  • Check that the agent who wants to sell you the policy is registered with the National Insurance and Bonding Commission (CNSF).

Check that the details of your policy are correct and legible:

  • Name and address of the insured and the insurance institution
  • Vehicle description
  • Contracted coverage
  • Sum assured
  • Cousin
  • Deductibles
  • Premium payment periodicity
  • Validity
  • Endorsement number
  • Way to pay
  • Policy number

Check that the company’s telephone number and other contact channels are current and in operation. Another important thing is that you have a 24/7 hotline.

Stay Away From the “Coyotes”

There are people who cheat others by “helping” them with “the process” of their auto insurance or third-party liability insurance. They will give you a paper that supposedly assures you, but it has no validity and if you show it to some authority, you will get in trouble. In other countries like in South East Asia, these people are called “fixers”

Last but not the least, it is always highly recommended to deal only with legitimate companies and licensed agents. The best way is to search online and read reviews. Another good way is through referrals by families or friends who have good experience dealing with the said agent or company.

There are dozens of car insurance comparison websites and there is no other better way to find legit and affordable car insurance than using these free services online.

Also, remember that the fine for not having civil liability auto insurance could cost hundreds up to thousands of dollars.

Always, without exception, car insurance is an investment and not an expense.

Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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