Are you venturing off the beaten track this year for your vacation? Hiking and Camping,  Do you long to leave life’s comforts at home and enjoy being at one with nature? It’s bound to be an adventure in Hiking and Camping wherever you decide to go, so you’ll need to make sure you stay healthy. You’re bound to be tempted to stock up on energy bars and bottled water. However, it is possible to eat healthily and nourish your body in other ways, ensuring you’ve got enough energy for the next leg of your journey. You don’t need to eat like Bear Grylls because you can eat well anywhere!

Get Fit Before You Start

If you’re not in the best of health a hiking, camping or outdoor vacation is probably not the best choice to make. However, if you’re truly set on being at one with nature, then you need to start preparing a long time before you leave. Eat healthily, get plenty of exercise and get used to lots of walking. Spend some time looking for the right hiking gear to bring with you and choose wisely.

Top Tips for Staying Healthy While Hiking

● Keep hydrated – this should be at the top of your list of priorities. Your body needs lots of fluid because essentially, you’re exercising! Even if you don’t feel thirsty, it’s important that you stop and take regular drinks.

● Use sunscreen – the sun might not be shining, but you still need to protect your skin from the powerful rays. Use a high skin protection factor and apply it 20 minutes before you go outside, and continue to reapply it as regular intervals.

● Eat a healthy breakfast – eat something like muesli or a granola bar and give your body the energy it needs for a good part of the day.

● Use an insect repellent – depending on where you’re hiking to; there can be some unfriendly insects lurking around the corner. Not only can their bites be very painful, but they also carry some nasty diseases and illnesses. Make sure all of your vaccinations are up to date and use an insect repellent or citronella oil to keep the mosquitoes away.

● Regular stretching exercises – sleeping under canvas is not the most comfortable of ways to spend the night. After a couple of days, you’re going to feel sore, and your body will ache. Long days hiking will also take their toll. One thing that will help will be basic stretching exercises, both before you set off every morning and before you settle down for the night. There are lots of props around such as camping rope and trees, so you don’t need to worry about carrying around expensive equipment.

The above tips are just a few ways you can keep yourself healthy and happy while hiking and camping. Follow them, and you’re going to have a great time! Being outdoors is an experience we all need because it helps to reduce stress, increases your exposure to Vitamin D and helps you keep fit. There are some negatives you’ll need to overcome such as sunburn, insect bites, lack of sleep and aching feet. However, with a little bit of planning and preparation, you’ll be able to enjoy the great outdoors.

Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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