It could be the beginning of spring, the fact that you’re considering selling or simply that you’ve stopped to look at your home properly for the first time in a long time. Whatever the reason; you’ve probably realized that your home is looking tired.

Fortunately there are 5 quick home exterior ideas that you can undertake to restore the fantastic look for your property:

5 Home Exterior Ideas Tips for your Home

1. Cladding

The quickest and easiest way to completely transform the exterior of your home is to contact CGS Facade and clad your property.

You can choose from traditional timber, vinyl cladding, cement board or an array of other products to transform your home. You’ll be surprised by the range of products available.

Before you clad your home it is a good idea to consider which is the best finish for your personal taste and the neighborhood you live in.

2. Landscape

The next thing you can do is make sure your lawn is cut, the hedges trimmed and the pathways weeded. This cost nothing but your time; however it can make an impressive difference to your home.

Read AlsoCommon Yard Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

You can also take this opportunity to add a few raised flower beds or age flower pots. If you have the space one each side of your front door can make the house look much more inviting.

You should also look at the clutter round your yard, everything should have a place or be put away, simply tidying can transform the exterior of your home.

3. Re-lay Your Drive

If you already have a drive then the chances are it is starting to look a little tired. You don’t need to get the concrete truck in or a block paving specialist. If you already have a driveway then the foundations are already there.

You can transform the drive and the look of your home by having gravel delivered; enough to cover the drive approximately 2 inches deep. All you have to do is spread it out.

4. Add a Name / Number

A really simply but effective addition is to put a new house number up or even add a house name. A new sign should be put against a clean and freshly painted or clad wall; this will allow it to appear illuminated throughout the day. You can even add a light to illuminate it at night.

This won’t just transform the look and feel of your house, it will make it easier for people to find you, which could be very important if you need the emergency services.

5. Windows & Doors

If your budget will stretch then you can replace your windows and doors; this will make the house look more appealing and lovely. Adding window boxes can drastically increase the curb appeal of your home. It will also complement your new cladding nicely.

However, if your budget won’t stretch this far then you can simply clean your windows, it’s surprising how much difference clean windows and doors make.

Add to this by making sure your gutters, downpipes and drains are all clear and clean. You’ll soon have the most attractive house on your street.

Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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