With the winter months of the year rapidly approaching, now is the time to start getting your home’s heating unit ready. During this time of the year, a heating unit will be used on a daily basis. This increased usage can lead to mechanical issues if the unit has not been properly maintained.

Studies show that nearly 50 percent of a home’s energy is used by the heating and cooling unit. One of the best ways to reduce the amount of energy it takes to keep your heating unit functional is by investing in professional maintenance.

With the help of professional heating services in Santa Rosa, keeping this vital system repair free will be much easier. Here are some of the things that need to be done to prepare a heating unit for the winter months.

Test the Unit With Your Thermostat

Before the cold weather of winter hits, you need to make sure your heating unit is working properly. One of the best ways to test a unit is by altering the settings on your thermostat. Switching the thermostat from cooling to heating is the first step of this test.

Once you have done this, you need to set the thermostat a few degrees higher than current room temperature. When you do this, you should hear your heating unit kick on. If the unit does not come on, then you need to call in professionals to take a look. It is better to find about these problems early on instead of being without heat when it is needed the most.

Changing Your Air Filters is a Good Idea

Most HVAC units have air filters either behind the vent grill or mounted on the ceiling. As time goes by, these filters will start to clog with dust and other allergens. Failing to replace these filters on a monthly basis can lead to massive airflow issues.

Not only will regularly changing the filters help with airflow, it can also extend the life of your unit as well. Letting these filters fill up with dust will also reduce the quality of your indoor air supply. If you are unsure about where your filters are or how to properly change them, consulting with an HVAC technician is a wise move.

Protect Your AC Condenser

If your HVAC unit is equipped with an outdoor condenser, protecting it from things like falling icicles is important. Some homeowners use things like large lids and bungee cords to protect this vital part of their system. While it will take some time and effort to protect this part of your unit, it will definitely be worth the work you put in.

Hire Professionals to Maintain Your Unit

While there are a number of things you can do to get your heating unit prepared for winter, there are some jobs that will need to be done by professionals. Allowing professionals to do things like lubricate your blower motor or test your igniter switch is essential.

If either of these components is left neglected, it is only a matter of time before they cause problems. An HVAC technician will be able to find and fix any issues your heating unit may have before you start using it on a regular basis.

DIY Repair is a Bad Idea

Trying to repair your own heating unit is a recipe for disaster. Not only do DIY repairs cause more problems, but they can also lead to the warranty on your unit being voided. This is why working with experienced and licensed HVAC repair professionals is so important.

Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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