In this age of great locomotives, your driveway is the most used entry point into your house, for most of us like to drive in and out of our houses by car. This fact has made the safety of the driveway very critical and crucial mainly in two ways. First, the kids playing on or around the driveway must be safe and, second, it must be kept secured the way it is never welcoming to the burglars aiming at your house negatively.

It is, therefore, very much necessary to improve the level of safety of your driveway to meet the latest demands in this respect. Here, we have worked out some useful tips for you to upgrade the safety of your driveway. Follow them and enjoy your family life with full peace of mind.

1.Secure your vehicles

Your vehicles are really very costly and must be protected against the damage and robbery. Various parking posts and security posts of the latest form and materials have been introduced to keep your vehicles secure and protected. These models provide solid barriers all around your vehicle that can never be crossed without the necessary key to unlock them. This way your car or other vehicles will remain safe from scratches or burglary.

2. Upgrade your door bell and the main gate

Most of the people visiting your home ring the door bell to inform you of their arrival. If you install a video-enabled doorbell, you will be able to see whosoever comes to see you and you will get red alert if there is seen some criminal at the gate. The feel that you are equipped to see whosoever is at the gate is really priceless. Likewise, your main gate must be automatic as much as possible, for you will be totally exposed and vulnerable to the criminals if you come to open a manual gate. The quicker your gate can respond, the better you are able to save yourself.

3. Keep your driveway clear and well-lit

The more your driveway is clear, the less it is feasible for the criminals to hide themselves behind the things. Try your level best to put the fewest things in the driveway in order to get the clearest view of the vacant area even from a distance. Besides, a well-lit driveway improves the visibility a lot and if the motion sensor spotlights are also there, things will get crystal clear to be seen at fullest ease. These spotlights are both inexpensive and easily available.

4. Fix CCTV cameras and a panic button

The thing the criminals are most afraid of is a CCTV security camera with a red light blinking constantly. The very sight of the camera makes the criminals scare away. Moreover, a set up with panic buttons to alert your armed response service and trigger your house alarm system is one of the most beneficial of all the precautionary measures. These will attract the attention of all around and scare off the entire negative.

5. Add gravel feature and a signage to your driveway

The addition of a gravel feature to the landscape of the driveway will produce noise in the serenity of a dark night and frighten away the wrong intruding there. Same is the case when you fix a signpost showing that you have large dog and a strong alarm system at your house. Even if you lack these two security friends, the signage will do the trick and you will remain safe and sound at too low a cost.

6. Install a mirror and inform your family members prior to your arrival.

If you are blessed with other family members living with you, you may call them to inform of your soon arrival so that one of them may check the driveway beforehand for anything doubtful there and ensure you that all is clear for you to pull into your home safe and sound. In addition to this, a mirror installed on the front wall of the driveway will facilitate you to look if anyone is chasing you from the main gate. These inexpensive but effective measures will enhance the safety of your driveway a lot.

Related: Tips for Choosing a Home Security Vendor

7. Manage a back-up power supply

All the security equipments and fixtures will become useless if they are not powered round the clock. It will be of utmost wisdom if you manage a separate power supply system for these appliances in addition to the regular power supply. This added backup supply will keep you tension free of any sudden power failure.

Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.


  1. Ayokunnumi A. E on

    Great article highlighting and explaining the need to make the driveway a safe and secure place. This has focused also on the safety of the kids.

    I’ll like to add that the movement and safety of our canine and feline companions (dogs and cats), well as other pets should be put into consideration while structuring the driveway.

    Once again, great article and work on your site!

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