Everyone wants to earn good money. The best way to do that is through an exemplary career. However, not every job you choose may fast-track you to the riches you desire. You have to weave yourself into different fields where you can make money quickly. It is crucial to find a career that gives you a stable income for years to come.

While some jobs may look like money makers, the rates differ according to their location. The same career may carry more weight on the west coast than the east coast in the US. So here’s a list of jobs you may want to consider for your future:

1. Financial Manager

Financial managers deal with the economic strength of their company. These professionals are also known as CFOs. As a financial manager, you will oversee budgets, develop financial goals and even develop reports. You are also deeply involved in cutting costs and directing other teams to meet tasks within a fixed budget. To kickstart your career, consider getting a bachelor’s degree in finance or accounting. As you proceed within your job, you will receive salaries. You may even cross the $140k mark with a few years of experience. Hence, studying finance or accounting are some of the best majors for the future for you.

2. Chief Executive Officer

If you work at the helm of a company, you will oversee departments, receive reports, and set strategic goals. You also get to make high-level decisions and even get to meet the board of directors. It would be fitting to earn a bachelor’s degree to hoe your managerial and leadership skills. CEOs can easily cross the $220,000 salary mark with a few years and some experience under their belt.

3. Computer and Information Systems Manager

As a manager, your role implies you need to oversee employee training. Since it is a senior position, you ensure that proper training and resources are available to employees. You will also need to keep tabs on the maintenance and installation of software. Since the world is already becoming increasingly tech-savvy, you may want to consider an IT field. Most professionals have a bachelor’s degree in computer science along with relevant work experience. As a professional, you can make $132,000. Some states you should consider working in include California and Virginia.

4. Architect

Architects will continue to be extremely important to the world. Construction is a crucial part of the development of societies. There will always be a need for architects who can design aesthetically appealing and functional spaces. To begin your career, you need to pursue relevant qualifications such as a bachelor’s in architecture and design. If you are skilled and experienced enough, you can earn at least $154,000 per year. Look for jobs in states/cities that are more promising in terms of construction work.

5. Pilot

Whether you fly passengers or cargo, your job is essential. As a pilot, part of your job is ensuring your plane is flying safely. You need to monitor flight conditions, check plane safety, and communicate with copilots. There is substantial training required to become a pilot. You need to go through an academy, get a degree in airline transport and acquire a certificate. As a pilot, after establishing yourself, you can make $197,000. However, while being a commercial pilot might help you see the world, consider flying chartered planes for wealthy clients. They’re the ones who will usually pay big bucks. If you go for scheduled air transportation, you get the highest industry salary.

6. Petroleum Engineer

A petroleum engineer works with other engineers and other natural resource professionals. Your job entails you to extract oil and gas from new and existing wells. You may need to design equipment, create work plans and even drill fields. Since the work is technical, you need to possess a bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering. Your career may help you earn $177,000 per year. New Jersey is the best location for petroleum engineers. You should look into management positions after working a few years of experience.

7. Marketing Manager

Every industry needs a marketing manager. These managers create marketing plans, achieve business goals and oversee advertising campaigns. You will need to get a bachelor’s degree in marketing or advertising and work your way up the ranks. A bachelor’s degree also helps you conduct and review market research. With a good foot in the industry, you can make a steady income of $119,000 per year. The best states you can work in are Virginia and Colorado.

8. Sales Manager

As a sales manager, you need to sell a company’s products and services to different clients. You also get to train sales associates and set monthly targets. In addition, your job may require you to review customer satisfaction and design unique pricing charts. The position requires a bachelor’s degree in marketing and advertising. After a while, you may hit the $127,000 mark. You need to hold substantial experience in the industry to make your mark. You must hone sales skills before you work for management positions. Once you have a steady client base, you can work in commodities and investments.

9. Natural Sciences Manager

As a natural science manager, you may work in a laboratory setting. In addition to research, you also need to watch lab budgets and have research goals. You also need to provide the right tools to employees to help develop research papers. You need a bachelor’s degree in natural science and some work experience. Your work will get you $125,000. You don’t need to study ahead, but it would help to complete project management training. If you work for the government, you may find yourself with more lucrative perks.

Wrap up

If you’re about the money, then these fields are your calling. If you like working the commerce side go for either a CFO or CEO position. You may even work in IT as a computer and system manager. If building things is your passion, get yourself involved in architectural management positions. You can make as much money in the air as you do on land. Become a pilot and let your flying techniques earn you big bucks. You can even work with the engineering sector to extract petroleum and natural gas. Finally, as a marketing manager and sales manager, you can sell products to make a reputation.

Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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