This past year has brought with it a multitude of challenges and devastating consequences. All around the world people have lost their loved ones, their money, their jobs. We have all had to deal with the reality of a ‘new normal’ at the drop of the hat.

Though it is tempting to dwell on the heart wrenching negatives of the pandemic, it can be cathartic to consider the positives that these challenges have brought with them. After all, we should be proud of the things we have been able to overcome.

One thing that has been hit particularly hard is the economy and the job market, as many businesses have struggled through multiple lockdowns and ever-changing safety measures. Despite this, there is no denying that the creative solutions to overcome these issues are something to be admired. Here are 6 ways that the pandemic has actually helped businesses to succeed in the long term.

1. Develop Virtual Offices

With the switch to remote working, it has brought a lot of cloud-based solutions to the forefront, and one of these ideal solutions take form in virtual offices.

Virtual offices give you all the benefits of having a receptionist without the need for a physical office or help desk. With a contact-free set up and no need to introduce a new member to your workforce bubble, the implementation of the virtual office has many benefits during the pandemic, and businesses will continue to reap the benefits in the future.

2. Invest in Flexible Working Infrastructure

The pandemic has also pushed businesses to invest in other flexible and remote working infrastructures. Because of this, businesses can greatly benefit from more flexibility, and the higher job satisfaction and productivity that come with it.

3. Adaptability

Potentially the most transferrable skill learnt during the pandemic has been the ability to adapt. Adaptability is one of the ways that small businesses have been able to survive. By learning to pivot a business in such unprecedented circumstances, companies will have no trouble when they face problems in the future.

4. Closer Working Environment

As workforces have been mainly remote, a lot of people have been making more effort with their colleagues through regular video conferencing. One study highlights that these video calls give people an insight into their workmates they wouldn’t have before, allowing us to form closer and more personal bonds.

5. Greater Emphasis on Mental Health

Humans are social creatures, and lockdown measures have had a huge impact on our mental health in that respect, not to mention the fear of the virus itself. A positive that has come from this, however, is a greater awareness of mental health, and a larger effort made by businesses to ensure their employees wellbeing.

6. Less Impact on the Environment

Finally, the pandemic has meant that less people are commuting, less people are using office equipment, more stuff is virtual rather than printed out, and much more. What this all has is in common is that it reduces our carbon footprint, allowing businesses to hit targets in a bit to become carbon neutral in the future.

One thing is for sure, once this pandemic is over, armed with their new skills; businesses have the potential to be better than ever.

Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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