The ancient city of Cambridge is famed the world over for its stunning architecture, quirky traditions and prestigious university. It made Visit Britain’s list of the UK’s top 10 most visited towns in 2019 – and could offer the ideal day out as the lockdown is gradually eased this summer.

It’s certainly less crowded than the capital and is easily explored on foot. It’s accessible too – trains from London King’s Cross to Cambridge are direct and can take less than an hour. But what can you expect to see and do once you arrive?

Beautiful architecture

Architecture enthusiasts will find plenty to admire on the diverse streets of Cambridge. The structures of King’s College Chapel, the Fitzwilliam Museum and Quayside were constructed centuries apart, making for eye-catching contrasts and a wealth of photo opportunities. Make sure to pack your camera!

Punting on the River Cam

The winding River Cam splits the city in two and passes through many of its prettiest areas. The best part is you can enjoy a ride in a long boat – similar to a Venice’s gondolas – all at a more-than-safe distance from other visitors.

If you want to make the experience that bit more special, why not indulge in a hot chocolate or glass of fizz while you sit back and float along?

Related: Make your Visit to London Worthwhile

A world-famous university

Cambridge University is undoubtably one of the UK’s most prestigious educational institutions alongside its historic rival university in Oxford. Since its inception in 1209 it’s shaped many of the world’s greatest minds – and could inspire you too as you take a tour of its colleges, libraries and more. Even the office admin buildings are pretty!

Parks and gardens

There’s more to Cambridge’s visual appeal than its famous buildings of course. You’re never short of beautiful green spaces to sit and relax. As well as the banks of the River Cam, the Cambridge University Botanical Gardens is a beautiful place to spend a couple of hours among nature. You could spot over 8,000 species of plants if you look hard enough…

Lots of delicious food

From local institutions to trendy newcomers, Cambridge is also stuffed full of places to grab a bite to eat. Now the restaurants and cafes are reopening, you could book a table in advance or grab a takeaway treat to enjoy outdoors. With so many cuisines on offer you might struggle to choose!

Is Cambridge on your list of places to visit this summer?

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Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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