It is only common sense to look for the most efficient method for running your business. Efficiency targets speed, with an eye on quality, value, and productivity. Just speed alone, without these other factors results in poor workmanship, more reworks and unplanned downtime, a bad reputation, and loss of money.

It is, therefore, important that you cut down on the amount of pressure you are putting on your business employees and concentrate your efforts on performance, workload, and durability.

#1 Pay Bills on a Nominated Day

By selecting certain days to pay your business bills you can save your admin employees time and additional workload. Also, when you come to assess your business bank accounts they will be far easier to understand. This will make bookkeeping and any spending audits quicker and therefore, more efficient.

#2 Zone Deliveries and Shipments

Zoning deliveries and shipments can also cut down on employee time and fuel costs. Encouraging your customers to accept delivery on certain days can also be easily managed just by providing them with discounts or free shipping for the days you want your drivers to be in their area. This will save your drivers from zigzagging all over the place and provide them with more direct routes making their deliveries far more efficient.

Also, with the addition of an esso fuel card you can make filling up at Esso petrol stations far easier and quicker for your drivers. Your drivers will not have to worry about collecting receipts as all fuel expenses will be logged to your fuel card account so you can monitor your driver’s mileage and fuel consumption regularly. Your drivers will have the option of using regular petrol or diesel or the option for synergy supreme fuel which will help your vehicles run efficiently.

#3 Opt For Offering Shift Work Hours

Offering your employees the option of working shift patterns rather than regular 9-5 office hours can also be more efficient. This is because you will be providing your employees with a desk-sharing option (especially if your shifts are only on a handover basis, rather than an overlap in hours).

This can cut down on the amount of space that your business requires to function properly and will also mean that your business can get more work completed over working hours. For instance, if the shift patterns you offer your employees range from 6 am – 2 pm and 2 pm -10 pm, you will be able to service more customers (especially, as many people are now working outside the usual 9 am-5 pm hours), provide a better service, and have a much faster turnaround speed.

#4 Train Employees

There is nothing more efficient than well-trained employees. Employees that know what they are doing and any protocols that they could be faced with will work faster, make fewer mistakes and be able to recognize failings before they get out of control.

There are various levels to the training that you provide your employees. For instance, you can offer them basic training in their job roles which inevitably will happen in-house, as will more in-depth training which could inspire confidence and should be ongoing. Or there is the option of paying for additional training that will end in an industry-recognized qualification or diploma.

Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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