Violence against women has various facets; women need to arm themselves against violence with self-defense weapons and techniques. While a staggering 35% of women worldwide have been victims of violent crimes, a further 16% confirm fears of violence from a close friend or relative. Unfortunately, there is hardly any reason to believe that the world will become safer for women anytime soon. So, arming yourself with one or more of these self-defense weapons that are compact enough to carry in your handbag is an excellent way to protect yourself as a woman whether traveling abroad or navigating your neighborhood.

Stun Guns

Stun guns, or tasers, are available in a wide variety of styles and sizes. However, some are perfectly suitable to carry around in your trendy handbag. Some offer handy extra features, such as a flashlight. When it comes to picking the most suitable pink taser to keep yourself safe, it is vital to learn how to use the device. Tasers can be dangerous, so learning how to hold onto your taser and use it when necessary safely is crucial.

Pepper Spray

Pepper spray has been used as a self-defense weapon for several decades. The effective formula is often enough to disable an attacker for a few minutes, enough time to get away when in danger. There are two main types of pepper spray to consider, direct line pepper spray and mist fire pepper spray. While the broader range of a mist fire pepper spray is best if you don’t have the best aim, direct line sprays are relatively easy to use and extremely effective. Be sure to evaluate the type of trigger, and some have a safety action that can render them difficult to use in an emergency.

Tactile Knife

The uses of knives are relatively abundant, although they are perfect self-defense weapons for women too. A tactile knife can be a lethal weapon if wielded correctly, although it is vital to check your region’s laws to ensure you are allowed to legally carry a tactile knife on you. If you decide to choose a tactile knife as your self-defense weapon, it is highly recommended to sign up for self-defense classes to develop your skills. If you are not skilled at knife use, you won’t be able to protect yourself, and you may even endanger yourself further as a result.

Alarm Keychains

Alarm keychains may not be weapons, although they are perfect for protecting yourself and your valuables as they can be attached to your bag or your keyring as a protective accessory. When in public spaces, an alarm can deter thieves effectively. Alarm keychains are also quite affordable, so purchasing a quality alarm is definitely worth it. Other security accessories that are great to consider are smart devices such as GPS tracking jewelry and watches that can send emergency messages to your contacts when in danger.

Tactile Pen

If carrying a tactile knife does not appeal to you, a tactile pen might. Tactile pens are designed to deliver a relatively similar punch as a tactile knife, although they are easier to conceal. While tactile pens are great for self-defense, they also offer the function of an everyday pen, making it undeniably perfect for keeping in your handbag. There are also a few different styles available, and some offer slightly different features, so it is a great idea to assess your options before making a purchase. Be sure to opt for a design that is comfortable enough to use.

Self-Defense Ring

A self-defense ring is better kept on your hand than in your handbag. However, the innovative design of this lady’s weapon renders it as effective as knuckle-dusters. There are also many designs available on the market, so you will be able to find a self-defense ring to compliment your outfits without much hassle. Self-defense has never been so fashionable.

Self-Defense Cap

A self-defense cap flaunts itself as a regular cap, although it is made out of heavy material that makes it perfect for self-defense. This innovative weapon is easy to hide, even in plain sight, and it packs a powerful punch if used correctly. While this hat-like weapon might not fit inside your handbag, you can wear it when feeling unsafe.

Lipstick Gun


If you’re after a more lethal self-defense weapon and the laws in your region allow it, you could invest in a lipstick gun. This innovative firearm hides well as it looks just like a regular lipstick. Therefore, it will blend in perfectly with the contents of your bag. However, firearm training is vital for gun owners, even if your gun is disguised as lipstick. Even if the relevant gun laws do not insist on licensing and practice, it is best to sign up for a few classes as a weapon won’t serve you well if you don’t know how to use it. When it comes to firearm ownership, you will also need to know how to store, clean, and maintain your weapon.

Flick Knife

A flick knife, or a butterfly knife, is an excellent choice for self-defense as this weapon is relatively easy to carry around in your handbag. It might take a bit of skill to use a flick knife well, as there is a particular technique required to flick it open. However, when considering that this type of knife is safe to carry as the split handle conceals the blade, it is perfectly ideal for personal protection. While knife training is important, it is practicing that makes perfect as a rule of thumb as you will need to develop muscle memory to use a knife effectively for self-defense.

Knuckle Dusters


Knuckle dusters are not legal everywhere, although if you are allowed to carry this potentially brutal weapon legally, it will fit perfectly inside the average handbag. The weapon fits onto your fingers and packs a potent punch when used. You will be able to strike an attacker and potentially disable them in danger by merely sliding the weapon onto your fingers and punching. There are also various designs out there, and some are notably more lethal than others, so evaluating your options is quite important.

Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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