Creating a dedicated hangout space for your children can provide them with a place to encourage friendship, creativity, and personal growth. Whether you’re a parent or a foster carer, you can transform an underutilised area of your home into the ultimate child-friendly retreat with a little bit of planning, elbow grease, and TLC. Read on for tips to design and build the perfect hangout nook your children will cherish for years to come.

Use Your Allowance Wisely

Foster carers can utilise some of their fostering allowance from towards creating a hangout space for their foster children. Set a reasonable budget and make sure to reserve a portion for ongoing maintenance and improvements down the road. Shop sales and discount retailers for furnishings and decor to stretch your money further. Don’t forget to check local classifieds or organised community donation drives for gently used items like comfy sofas, rugs, lighting, bookshelves, and more.

Choose the Right Location

Think about which area of your home would work best for a hangout space. A converted loft, spare bedroom, basement, or even a section of the garage or garden shed can all provide the perfect blank canvas. Make sure to consider noise levels, privacy, access to electricity and Wi-Fi, and visibility from common areas. Also, ensure the size is large enough to comfortably accommodate the intended users.

Add Comfortable Seating

Choosing the right seating is key for creating an inviting and cosy space. Upholstered sofas or chairs in bright, youthful colours or patterns are ideal. Floor cushions are another inexpensive and fun seating option. Arrange seating in a way that promotes togetherness, like facing chairs inward or positioning floor cushions in a circle. Plenty of seating ensures there’s room for everyone in your children’s circle of friends.

Make it Theirs with Personal Touches

Encourage kids to make the space their own by adding special personal touches. Let them pick a fun theme and colour scheme then help them decorate accordingly. Posters, photos, art they’ve made themselves, and other meaningful decorations make it feel like home. Create or purchase personalised items like picture frames, pillows, wall decals, and photo displays featuring your children. Help foster children who are new to your home feel welcome by incorporating their interests and hobbies as you add the finishing touches.

Bringing Kids Together

A thoughtfully designed hangout space encourages kids to come together. Friends can gather there to play games, listen to music, work on projects, or just talk and laugh. Foster siblings can strengthen their bond through quality time in their shared space. Provide a welcoming environment for kids to interact without distraction. Supervise young children initially but then step back and let them engage on their own terms. A well-used hangout room builds interpersonal skills.

Offering Personal Refuge

For older kids and teens, their hangout can also provide a refuge for personal relaxation or reflection. Respect their occasional need for solitude and don’t pressure them to entertain guests there. Stock supplies for independent creative pursuits like journals, musical instruments, and art materials. Foster youth transitioning into your home may find solace in a space where they can process their emotions. Allow the room to evolve gradually alongside your child’s needs.

Creating an incredible hangout space comes down to understanding your children’s interests and needs, and then providing creature comforts and activities tailored specifically to them. Take advantage of their input throughout the design process. The reward will be seeing your kids light up with excitement and truly claim the space as their own.

Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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