Every job has its own level of stress in one way or another. For some, it could be the inability to connect with clients or close a sale. For others, it could be the high demands that come with the job every day. It could be a combination of a lot of little things that eventually boil up and over.

Learning to manage your stress is an important tool that shows benefits not only for your professional life, but your work life as well.

Take radiologists, for example, It may seem surprising to some, but radiology is one of the most stressful jobs in the medical profession. According to a survey, almost 30 percent of radiologists admitted to having high levels of stress at their job, well above the national average.

Radiologists are often exposed to lots of different diseases and work continuously long hours. Combine that with a high-performance demand and possible steep computer technology learning curve, one can see how many factors could play into a high-stress level.

Below are some ways to help manage stress and continue the path towards mental and physical well-being.

Find an Outlet

When stress boils over with most people, it can cause certain outbursts or moments of anger. It’s not uncommon to hear someone say, “Sorry for X, I’ve just been really stressed out.” Those moments can come out in anger outbursts, harsh words or small signs like routinely clenching your fist or constantly sighing.

Finding an outlet for stress is important as you’ll be able to release a lot of tension or anger buildup. So many outbursts from stress come through physical ways, so it’s better to manage those with a physically active regimen.

Exercise is a great way to release that tension and stress. Whether it be walking in the park, a kickboxing class or lifting weights, exercise is perfect for keeping you healthy. Even though it may be difficult to get into a routine with a busy schedule, it’s important to keep yourself in good physical condition. A healthy you means a better work life.

Investigate Your Job

When you’re out and about on the job hunt, you can tell some things by looking at the job announcement. What kind of hours are they expecting you to work? Who will you be working with? What is the salary?

These questions are important as you begin to plan out your career or make a change. You don’t want to work in a place that makes you lose sleep over because of how miserable you are. Once you’ve done the preliminary research, try and see if you know anyone at the hospital or practice. Reach out and see if they are happy working there and what the positive and negatives are.

You’ve worked incredibly hard to reach this point, makes sure you’re taking the next best step for you!

Find Support

For those of us out there not named Jerry Seinfeld or Dave Chappelle, we have certainly had moments where we’re telling a funny or interesting story but then halfway you realize that no one will truly understand. “You had to have been there,” you say as the topic is changed.

The same can go with your issues and problems at work. Of course family and friends want to ask about you and make sure you’re doing well, but sometimes they may not understand the specific points of how you feel. Make a time to sit down with coworkers, whether it be at lunch or after work and feel free to talk to each other.

Sometimes you’re not looking for a solution to whatever happened that day, you just want to talk about it. We’ve all been there; it just helps to talk about a situation and have someone else listen. You’re not on the lookout for a psychiatrist, professional counselor or a pity party, just a lending ear.

This is also a great way to get to know your coworkers better and understand them. You may not ever be best friends, but at least you can share something together and be each other’s points of venting. Plus, someone will definitely laugh more at your stories!

Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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