Nobody expects to get in a car accident the day they do, and it is always a major inconvenience in one’s life, even if no one is injured. You may be trying to rationalize not going through the “hassle of a lawsuit” and may be trying to convince yourself that you’re feeling fine. But if you find an injury later, or if your accident causes other problems, then you should consider hiring a personal injury attorney to represent you. Click here to learn more information about car accident law.

The Statute of Limitations

Every state has a statute of limitations on different types of legal cases, including personal injury. This is the time frame when you are able to bring a suit forth to be heard by the court. If you do not file in time, then the court will not hear your case. In the State of Missouri, the statute of limitations is five years from the date of the accident.

However, sometimes injuries don’t show up until years later, usually when someone is considering getting pregnant, undergoing a procedure or facing an injury that has been building up. You may have suddenly become aware that the accident did more to your body than you realized, so you have up to five years from the

Pay For Medical Expenses

You want to be checked out by a medical professional as soon as possible after your accident, or as soon as you discover the injury. You will need to keep accurate records of medical bills and records that include your diagnosis and prognosis. The longer you delay getting this help, the more likely the insurance company will try to minimize your injuries, so don’t delay in seeking medical help and calling an attorney.

Related: Who Pays for Medical Bills after a Car Accident?

To Help Loved Ones

Doctors and attorneys have agreed that a car accident does more than harm a person’s physical being. They are also psychologically affected. Your spouse or kids may be afraid of you getting behind the wheel. The new, sudden burden of the physical limitations you have can severely impact your daily routines, and prevent you from doing things you enjoy. An accident can affect your mood, sleep, and appetite. You can file for noneconomic damages for pain and suffering, as well as emotional distress. Talk to your attorney if you have noticed a decline in quality of life.

Receive Compensation For Loss of Wages

You are entitled to compensation not only for the lost wages from having your accident, but also the future lost wages you would have earned if the accident hadn’t incapacitated you. If you were medically cleared but still can’t get to and from work, then you may be entitled to compensation. Public transportation isn’t a reliable way to get around for some people and especially for freelancers or others who need to drive around town.

Enhances Your Chances Of Getting Compensated Fairly

The truth is that hiring an attorney means that you are getting legal expertise to help you find all of the myriad ways you can be compensated for your injuries, property damage, and especially for noneconomic damages. The insurance adjuster is not on your side. They want to save the insurance company money, and they sometimes are skeptical of victims. Don’t risk not getting the compensation you deserve. Call a personal injury attorney today!

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Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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