The aged care industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in Australia. In fact, it’s expected to grow at a rate of 8% per year over the next 10 years. This means that if you’re looking for a career in this space, now is a great time to get started. However, if you’re not familiar with the recruitment industry and what it takes to succeed in it, then there’s a good chance you’ll struggle when applying for roles on your own.

But don’t worry, we’ve got your back. We’ve compiled a list of 10 factors that make up an effective recruitment agency for aged care jobs. These are crucial elements involved in ensuring that both employers and employees are happy with their experience working together:

How long have they been in the recruitment industry?

Aged care jobs are a specialised area of recruitment and it’s important to find an agency that knows what they’re doing. The more experience an agency has in this industry, the better.

It’s also worth asking about their record on filling aged care jobs for your business or organisation. If you’ve had difficulty finding suitable candidates, ask them why this might be and see if there are things you could do differently to improve your chances of success next time around.

What is their sector specialism?

When you’re looking for an aged care job, it’s important to know whether or not your chosen recruitment agency has specialized in this area, such as aged care recruitment by JPS Medical. For example, if you’re looking for a position in residential care and the agency has no experience in this sector, then they may not be able to help you find the right job.
If an agency does have experience with your desired area of work (elderly care), then it’s worth asking them about their level of specialisation within that area. For example: do they recruit solely for nursing positions? Or do they also place people into support roles such as housekeeping? This can give you some insight into what types of aged care jobs are available through them and whether or not there are any limitations on what type of role they can place someone into.

The level of service offered: are they reactive or proactive?

If a recruitment agency is reactive, it means that they wait for you to contact them with job opportunities. This can be fine if you’re looking for work but aren’t sure what type of position you want or where it might be located. However, if your situation is more serious because you’ve been out of work for some time and/or if there’s urgency around finding a new role (e.g., because your current employer has announced redundancies), then being proactive is better as it saves time and energy spent searching online while making sure that all bases are covered.

Proactive recruitment agencies will actively seek out new roles before they even become available by contacting employers directly with details about their candidates’ skillsets and experience levels.

Is there a consultant dedicated to you or will you just speak to a department or team?

You might be wondering, “Why does it matter if I have an individual consultant or not?”

The answer is simple: personalised service and HR Expertise Melbourne based HR consultants can help you understand the process of recruitment and give you advice on how to get a job in aged care. Your consultant will know the industry and market very well and can help guide you through the process of finding employment in this industry. You can seek the help of HR Expertise Melbourne based HR consultants who can provide you with guidance on the recruitment process. They will also know about your strengths and weaknesses so that they can help match up jobs that suit your skillset best, as well as any other factors such as location or salary expectations (or lack thereof).

Do they offer any training to their candidates?

If a recruitment agency is going to offer you a job, they need to make sure that you are fully prepared for the role. This is why it’s important to find out if they offer any training programs for their candidates.

If there are any ongoing training programs in place at the moment (or planned), what does this look like? Do they provide resources such as books or online learning courses? Are there mentoring programs available for those who need extra support during their first few months on the job? If so, what sort of guidance will be provided by mentors/coaches during this time period and after that point when candidates have settled into their roles?

Are you able to meet them in person?

Face-to-face meetings are important for building a good relationship, and you can’t always rely on what you read in a resume. You need to meet the right people in person. It’s also important to get a better idea of an agency’s culture and values by meeting them in person.

You should always ask if they will be able to meet with you face-to-face before committing to work with them as part of your recruitment process for aged care jobs.

Do they understand your business culture and values?

Finding a recruitment agency that understands your business culture and values is crucial. We often hear from clients who have worked with other recruitment agencies but haven’t been happy with the results.

If you’re considering hiring a new aged care recruitment agency, here are some tips for finding one that understands your business:

• Ask about their experience working in similar industries or environments as yours. You want to ensure they understand the unique challenges of working within an aged care facility (or similar environment). If they don’t have any experience in this area, ask them why not and if they would be willing to learn more about it before taking on your project.

• Check references from previous clients who operate similar businesses as yours and ask them how easy it was communicating with the recruiter throughout their engagement process; did they feel like they were treated fairly by their employer? Did they receive regular updates on progress being made towards filling vacancies within their company? Did these updates come quickly enough so as not to cause disruption during busy periods such as the Christmas holidays when work needs to be done urgently but there aren’t enough staff members available yet duelling between themselves over whose turn it is next week’s break day instead?

Who will be managing candidate quality checks?

Quality checks are one of the most important parts of the recruitment process and they need to be done by someone with experience in this area. This can include checking candidates’ qualifications and references, but also skills and experience, personality (including cultural fit), motivation and work ethic. The best agencies will have their own team of specialist recruiters who can perform these checks for you so that you know exactly who is going into your aged care facility or home care business as an employee or contractor.

Will they keep you updated throughout the recruitment process?

Another thing to consider is whether or not the agency will keep you updated throughout the recruitment process. You may want to know what stage of the application process your application is at, who they are interviewing and whether or not they have shortlisted any candidates.

If this is something that interests you, make sure that when choosing a recruitment agency for aged care jobs, ask them if they can provide these updates so that you don’t have to chase them down yourself.

How quickly do they respond to queries and feedback?

If you have any questions, concerns or feedback about the job, it’s important that you can get in touch with your recruiter. This is especially true if you’re considering making a change in your career path. If a recruiter isn’t available when you need them most, then they might not be worth working with at all. The best recruiters will be able to offer guidance and support throughout the process of finding work as well as after-care once someone takes on their position in aged care jobs.

Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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