As of the beginning of 2018, there were more than 3.9 million Americans working from home for at least half of the week. Today, working and Make Money from home – and making a living – is more popular than ever before.

Are you ready to abandon the “rat race” and gain the freedom that goes along with working from home? If so, you may want some ideas of what you can do that will actually help you earn money. Keep reading to find out some fun, innovative and lucrative ways to make a living and stay at home.

Start a Blog

Is there something that you love, or just know quite a bit about? For example, do you know everything about taking a vacation to Disney World? Or, are you an amazing crafter? These are skills you can use to make money.

The first step is to begin a blog. The good news is, there is tons of information out there about how to start a blog and how to make money from it. The key is to create information that is unique that people will enjoy reading.

Once you create great content, you can generate regular traffic and then advertisers will be thrilled to give you money for a small space on your site. It’s really a simple concept if you think about it!

Rent a Friend

Did you know that you can actually earn money just by being a friend? It’s true! There are sites, such as Rent a Friend, that allow you to create a free friendship profile and then charge up to $50 per hour to go to activities and social events with someone.

Remember, this is a platonic site, and you can choose the jobs you want to take. Even better – you keep 100 percent of the profits. Who knows, you may get to experience some pretty exciting events!

Sell Your Pictures

Do you have a great eye? Do you capture photos that are museum-worthy? If so, then you can begin selling your photos to stock photo agencies. Even if your pictures aren’t amazing, there’s still the potential for you to earn some money.

There are several sites that will purchase your pictures, including Adobe, iStock and Shutterstock (to name a few). It doesn’t matter if you are a novice or a professional, you can still earn some money. The majority of these sites will work on a download basis, which means you are paid a certain percentage each time your photos are downloaded.

Share Your Opinion

Do you have lots of opinions – of course you do! Why not get paid for them! You can find sites that will pay you for sharing what you think about different things. You can even search survey sites based on your location.

While some surveys only pay a few bucks each, there are others where you can earn several hundred dollars. If you get good at it, you may be able to make a pretty good income just by being opinionated.

Teach Classes Online

Regardless of if you are just beginning or if you are a seasoned professional, there is something that you are likely good at. Even if you have never gotten credit for it, chances are someone else may find the skill valuable.

You can use this skill to help you make a bit of extra income thanks to the many platforms offering these gigs that are out there.

Are you ready to make money at home? If so, some of the ideas here should help you get started. Before you know it, you will be working in your PJs!

Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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