If you are planning to sell your home, making sure it is appealing to look at is very important when trying to draw in prospective buyers. If the exterior of the home doesn’t look good, it can immediately put off viewers as they won’t expect much from the inside. Whether you’re planning to sell your property or not, people will see the outside first, so making sure it leaves a good impression with any visitor is worth thinking about. Here are five exterior home improvements worth investing in.

Tidy Up Your Landscape

If your front or backyard is a mess, then it can affect the look of your home dramatically. Overgrown shrubbery, an abundance of weeds in the pavement or flowerbeds and/or a lawn that needs mowing can make your home look very shabby. So, cut the grass, tidy the shrubs, remove the weeds and if your paving slabs look worn out, give pressure washing a try. Research proves that if your property’s landscape looks good, then the value increases and it will sell faster.

Upgrade into a Smart Home

Adding automation to your home such as wireless driveway alarm systems, smart locks, cameras, etc. really is a great investment. Devices that are particularly eye-catching are the ones that can be controlled through your smart phone. They are easy to install and due to the popularity of these smart systems, you will more than likely recoup the investment that you spend on these items. They will also make your home appeal to younger buyers who are looking to purchase an up-to-date, smart ready house.

Check the Gutters

If the gutters are blocked, water won’t reach the drains. Instead, it will leak over the sides and down the walls. This will end up leaving dirty water marks down the walls of your home making it look run down. People may get put off by this because they may be unsure whether it is just a blockage or if it’s a bigger issue. To stop this being a problem, give the gutters a clean and then use a pressure washer on the exterior walls of your home to remove any existing stains. If a problem is found, then check the parallel interior walls to see if the leak has spread. If the gutters are clear but water marks continue to appear, then you should check out your roof.

Add Fences

Depending on the property type and regulations, adding fencing can make your home look and feel much more secure. Most of the time, you can put up low fences without an issue. But if you want a fence that is over 4-6 feet, you may need to check with local planning departments. Due to the cost of fencing being relatively low, it is likely that you will make your money back when you sell.

Read Also: 5 Quick Home Exterior Ideas for your Home

Remove Peeling Paint

If you have peeling paint on your garage doors, front door or/and window frames, it can leave a bad impression on viewers and visitors as the home will look very unkempt. So, making sure the paintwork looks good and that any warped wood has been replaced will really help with your home’s exterior appearance. If your windows have seen better days and they are single-glazed, it is highly advised to upgrade them to double-glazed windows as they are considered to be an energy saving addition. You may not make your money back, but it will make the house easier to shift.

It doesn’t take a lot to improve the look and value of your home. If you aren’t sure about an addition or alteration and you plan to sell your home, then speak to a realtor as they will definitely know what is worth investing in.

Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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