As 2018 comes to a close, once the festivities are over with it’s the perfect time to take a few days for yourself and reset for the New Year Ahead. Make the most of this time by taking a short break somewhere, organising your home, reflecting on the year that has passed, and setting some goals for the year ahead.

Take a Break

The festive period can really take its toll on many of us, leaving us feeling in need of another break to get some much-needed rest and recuperation before we return to work. While you might not have time to squeeze in a week-long holiday, you can definitely plan a short break to reset for the year ahead and relax after spend hectic Christmas season. City breaks are usually a popular choice for short getaways but they can often be dreary in the winter weather so why not treat yourself to a relaxing countryside getaway instead?

The UK has plenty of gorgeous countryside locations, famed for their picturesque landscape, offering you the ideal destination for a short break. One of the most popular of these Winter destinations, both with locals and tourists, is without a doubt The Lake District. With plenty of activities on offer – even in winter– and a choice of luxurious Lake District hotels dotted around the area, you’ll be sure to be well rested for the year ahead after a short lakeside break.

Organise Your Home

Cleaning your entire home is usually reserved for the big spring clean but doing it at the start of the year gives you a good opportunity to get your home in order while everyone is still winding down from the festive period. Your kitchen will no doubt be in need of some TLC after weeks of heavy use, making this the perfect living room to start when organising your home.

They say a tidy mind starts with a tidy home, and decluttering at the start of the year gives you a chance to get rid of things you have been holding on to for far too long. An organised home will also help you keep your stress levels low, ready to tackle whatever 2019 throws at you.

Spend Some Time Reflecting

The start of a new year also signals the closing of a chapter, giving you a good chance to reflect over the past 12 months. This is the time to look over the things you achieved in the year that has just passed, along with the things you wished you would have achieved. It’s good to reflect on both positive and negative things that have happened in your life, allowing you to accept them and move forward.

Set Some Goals for the New Year

New Year’s resolutions are something most of us make, with almost as many of us finding it difficult to actually stick to them. Instead of channelling the fresh motivation and clean slate that a new year brings into resolutions, use this time to set out some goals for the year – this will be far more achievable if you set specific goals, rather than setting yourself up for failure with some overly-ambitious resolutions.

SMART goals are a great way of setting yourself up for success in 2019, doing away with the frustrations of difficult to achieve goals. When you are setting your SMART goals, you must ensure that they meet the five necessary requirements: being specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-specific.

Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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