Music has come to play a vital role in many walks of our lives ranging from entertaining our minds to calming our souls in a number of ways. Moreover, the involvement and importance of music have also expanded themselves to create their impact on the development of young children in various aspects. The quality of a child’s life gets affected by the early interaction with music. Let’s have a look how the early education of music affects the physical and mental development of a child.

1. Music and general improvement of the personality

Nowadays, music carries more weight than the academic achievements. It covers almost all the facets of child development and provides the basis which the future music career depends upon. All the areas of child development including language, social, emotional, intellectual, motor, etc. get brightened. Moreover, it also imparts the skills for school readiness among the younger children. Much in the same way, the art of dancing to the music improves the motor skills of the body and the overall coordination among the various body parts and mechanisms.

2. Music and the development of language

Decoding words and sounds is the ability that every child is born with and music education always helps to enhance the development of this natural ability. According to the recent studies, learning music is sure to help the left part of the brain responsible for processing language in the kids. If somehow the new information is linked to the familiar songs, it will help imprint that info on young minds quite appreciably. Moreover, musical education and experience makes a child verbally strong and competent. If you raise your children in a music-rich environment, it will really be advantageous to the development of their language.

3. Music education enhances IQ of the children

It has been observed practically that learning music at an early age makes the young kids mentally smart and super active. A study done by the University of Toronto reveals that the voice lessons regarding the teaching of piano given to the six year old kids for nine months enhanced their IQ level to a notable value. Furthermore, the children who received the piano practice lessons scored 3 points higher than those who did not do so. It strongly shows that music training and spatial reasoning in young children have a causal relationship with each other, thus illuminating the importance of music education at an early age.

4. Socio-emotional development in children gets enhanced through music lessons

The rhythmic movements and creative expressions present in different songs and learned through the early experiences in music enable the children to bond themselves intellectually, socially and emotionally with others. A recent study by Vanderbilt University shows that children receiving music education at early ages become stronger socially and academically than others without such education. Music education helps develop the enduring attitudes in the children towards the various aspects of their social and emotional life.

5. Music education helps the children build their confidence

It has often been observed that the children who take their music lessons at an early age regularly are much more confident than those otherwise. So, it will help your child a lot to learn how to play a musical instrument if he is having issues with his level of confidence. Coming to know that they can develop a skill on their own imparts to them that self confidence and belief that they need very badly. This self confidence will keep on boosting itself gradually and the child will start looking very confident dealing with the different routine matters.

6. Music inspires creativity and expression in children

It is an admitted fact that musicians are among the most creative people of the world. Writing the lyrics to a song or practicing a new way to play a musical instrument help one tap into the inner creative spirits. When a child passes through these or other similar activities, it inculcates creativity and the ability to express his views in a better way. Expressing oneself through music is one of the most graceful ways to do so. Similarly, songwriting, singing and stage performance will also go a long way towards boosting creativity and expression in children.

7. Music education teaches children patience and discipline

Playing music with others in a group teaches your child to wait patiently for his turn to play his part. It also teaches him how to collaborate with others in a disciplined way to create such a beautiful thing like music. Both the qualities help him spend his life in a much better way throughout many years to come.

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Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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