Selecting the right words for the right occasion is a very brain-racking experience. Therefore, finding the right condolence message on the passing of someone’s father is not as simple as you think. Actually, a sympathy message for loss of father aims to console the one who is in sorrow and grief as a result of losing his/her most precious asset, father.

The attachment between a father and his son or daughter is deep and never-ending. The meaning of losing a father is losing the whole world in a sense. Your father for you is a shield that ensures your security.

Here are some suitable and specimen condolences text messages that will help you share some words of consolation.

  • Wonderful soul, loaded with affection and self-reliance, rose to paradise, away from us, yet closer to God, leaving forlornness and grief. With huge despair, I have a very sincere condolence for your departed exquisite father.”
  • “Your dad may have left you; however, his considerations, expectations and dreams live on in you and your family”
  • “A decent heart has quit thumping, a great soul ascended to paradise. Your virtuous father will never be able to be forgotten.”
  • “An individual that withdraws from this world never genuinely leaves, for they are as yet alive in our hearts and minds. Please accept my sympathies, he won’t be forgotten.”
  • “A supplication, a blossom, a candle and tragic tears of torment on your dear father grave will surely help him go to paradise.”
  • “I am extremely and deeply touched for the irreparable loss of your father.”
  • I am deeply sorry to hear about the death of your father. I know how deeply attached you were with your beloved father and what a profound effect he has left on your life. We will really feel his deficiency.”
  • I know the loss of father is irremediable. If you need someone to share your broken-heart feelings, I am here to be shared as a good listener.”
  • Words fail me how to express you my condolence. I know not a single word can console you at the moment. You father was really a nice man. My heart is truly aching,”
  • My dear, it’s a very hard and tough time for you and for your family. Your family needs you badly in this hour of plight.”
  • It was shocking and heart-aching news for us all. You know death is inevitable. We all have to depart from this world. Muster up your courage to face it bravely.”
  • The sudden death news of your father really upsetting one. I know it is an unbearable loss for everyone. Even then, you have to accept it willy-nilly because it is a rule of Nature.”
  • Your grief is really unable to be shared, but even then we are with you in this hour of dilemma. Pass my sympathy to your beloved mom and the rest of your family.”
  • Your grief is not able to be pacified. I knew your deceased father very well. He was a jolly man. We will miss him very much indeed.”
  • It is really comforting for you to know that we all are equally grieved at the death of your father. Undoubtedly, he was a great man.”
  • May you be blessed with much-needed patience! The loss of father in this world is considered one of the greatest losses. You really are in great shock.”
  • Life is full of sorrow and grief. These things go hand in hand. Life sometimes seems to be unjust but we are helpless before the Divine Rules. Please have my condolences”
  • Losing your father can be incredibly painful because you are going to lose a wellspring of power, solidity and consistency in your life. I am upset about your misfortune.”
  • May your father soul rest in eternal peace! He was of a man of the word. We all loved him because he was such a nice man I have ever seen.”
  • May you and your family be blessed with comforts and patience in this time of sorrow! Please accept my very humble condolences.”
  • You father thought me his son. I can’t forget him and his affection for me. I am equally grieved at your plight. Don’t feel yourself alone I stand by you through thick and thin.”
  • This socking news really saddened me. Your father was a learned man. He was really a gem. I have heartfelt condolences for you in this heavyhearted time.”
  • No matter where your father is gone, he will be always with you in the form of a guiding star. This thing will help you overcome your grief.”
  • “Our spirits are deeply affected by agony on becoming aware of the untimely and uncalled for the departing of the individuals who were our guides and partners. We knew, acknowledged and appreciated! They will remain everlastingly in our memory! Genuine sympathies!”
  • “Earnest sympathies to the families lamenting the inconceivable misfortune they endured. At such times the words would be pointless … We are with our hearts and soul standing by with the bereaved ones in this time of tragedy.”
  • “The loss of one’s dad impacts one of the most significant souls changing experiences throughout our life. Your loss is truly non-compensable.”
  • “With overwhelming sadness, we appeal to God for the everlasting rest of one who was a symbol of kindness.”
  • “Words can’t depict heartfelt feeling. I present my sympathies with a heavy heart to the whole family. God rest his spirit rest in paradise!”
  • “Your father was an insightful man, and yet, he had an extraordinary comical inclination. He will be remembered lovingly and recalled frequently.”
  • “Your dad consistently boasted about how awesome you were. I trust you realize that you meant everything to him. He was an awesome man and will be remembered affectionately. Genuinely upset for your misfortune.”
  • “No advice can be sufficient to make you feel relaxed with losing somebody, particularly one of a parent.”


Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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