Adolescence is a common time for the development of eating disorders, although the symptoms are typically different from what parents might expect. As a result, many eating disorders go undiagnosed and untreated because parents fail to notice the warning signals.

Early detection of an eating issue can be made easier by learning the subtle warning indicators.

An eating disorder must be addressed as early as possible if effective treatment is to be achieved. The following warning signals may suggest that your adolescent has an eating disorder; keep an eye out for them.


When it comes to body image, it’s not uncommon for kids to feel self-conscious at some point in their lives. Take notice if your teen tells you she’s overweight or that she’s ugly. Anorexia could develop as a result of her self-criticism.

Has a Routine of Skipping Meals

They may be skipping meals if they make excuses such as pretending they had already eaten at a friend’s house. Fasting and dieting can lead to an eating disorder if they are done in excess.

Excessive Physical Activity

Adolescents may attempt to make up for their calorie deficits by engaging in excessive physical activity. Spending hours a day doing cardio or weight lifting can quickly turn into an unhealthy compulsion.

Irrational Eating Habits

A person’s finicky eating habits are generally the first step toward an eating disorder. Eating the same thing every day or cutting out entire food groups could be signs of an eating disorder in a teenager.

Excusing Themselves Right After Eating

Bulimia can cause a teen to throw up within minutes after finishing a meal. Teens with bulimia may force themselves to purge or take laxatives in an attempt to bridge the gap for the calories they’ve consumed.

Dresses in Large Clothes

A teen may wear outfits that are many sizes too big in order to hide their weight reduction. Observe your teen if he or she wears a lot of clothing even when the weather isn’t ideal.

Hiding Snacks in the BedRoom

Eating disorders can cause teenagers to keep enormous amounts of food hidden from their parents and loved ones in their bedrooms. Binge eating may be indicated by empty boxes or wrappers, as well as enormous amounts of food.

Cooking Huge Meals for Friends and Family Members

Even though they don’t want to eat, many anorexic kids crave being around food. Vicarious pleasure from seeing other people eat may be the reason they spend so much time studying recipes and cooking.

Avoids Eating Out in Public Places

Eating in public is typical anxiety among adolescents with eating disorders. It is possible for them to refuse to eat out, at restaurants, or at family dinners.

Constantly Feels Cold

They are more prone to be cold all the time when they have a low body fat percentage. In the winter, if your daughter or son complains about being cold, it may be because they are underweight.

Dry Patches Of Skin

Skin issues are typical among adolescents with anorexia or bulimia. It is common for people with bulimia and anorexia to be dehydrated. The first symptom that a teenager is trying to induce vomiting is calluses on their knuckles, so keep an eye out for those.

Swollen Face

Vomiting causes the salivary glands to swell, resulting in puffy cheeks. At any degree of an eating disorder, swollen cheeks are possible.

Disciplined Eating

Checking food labels is a good idea, but teenagers who are excessively strict may have an issue. If your teen obsessively scrutinizes the ingredients in their food, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on them.

How To Help Your Child

For the sake of your relationship with your child, you must remain calm and first listen to what they say before discussing their eating issue. Reiterate what they’ve said and what you’ve heard back to them. Afterward, explain to them what you know about eating disorders and what you’ve observed about their conduct. The best way to express your feelings is to use “I-statements.” Remind them of your love for them, and express your admiration for the good qualities you notice about them. In order for your child to hear what you have to say, you need to be able to control your own anxiousness and create a peaceful environment for them.

Above all, keep in mind that overcoming an eating disorder takes time and requires the support of others. Treatment for eating disorders is available, and your child can resume a normal, healthy lifestyle with the help of your guidance and encouragement. Visit to learn more about broaching the subject of getting help with your teen.

Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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