It’s not enough to like food to make it in the food business; there’s an art to being a restaurateur. Moreover, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the food service industry in the United States (and the world), has changed rapidly. Whether you have modest plans to open a cafeteria or bakery or you see yourself as a seasoned restaurateur, there are things you need to learn and unlearn. Regardless of the scale of your business, all sorts of establishments are on the chopping block at this point. With all of that in mind, here are six things every restaurateur should know.

1. Food Industry Fundamentals

Every industry has its attributes, so you can’t use the same template you used for your cosmetics business to run a commercial kitchen. The ins and outs of the restaurant business are particular to its quirky nature. One thing not to skimp on is restaurant supplies equipment that is accessible, durable, and affordable.

Go Food service can handle that and a whole lot more. They offer an assortment of energy-efficient wholesale restaurant equipment. Whether you’re after a freezer, commercial refrigeration options, or handy storage cabinets, they have what you need. But it doesn’t just end with equipment in the food service business. You’ll need to compare costs in different areas, learn how to hire, fire, and train employees, and you’ll certainly encounter some tough decisions along the way. Keep in mind that you’ll need to obtain the relevant local, state, and federal permits and licenses. Most states will require all employees to complete a food handler card training from an approved provider once they have been hired. For the most part, being knowledgeable (or teachable) makes all of this easier.

2. Market and Concept

If your strategy is just to serve good food, then stop right there. One catering business after another is out there doing the same thing. Even if you have a little burger shop near the corner store, you have to look for an edge or a concept. For some people, it’s the drinks. Are you going to keep it PG or serve alcoholic beverages? If you are, then ensure that your liquor store vendor is high-quality, like Joe Canal’s Wood bridge. Why do we like them? If you name a region throughout the world, chances are they offer wine and liquor from that region. Whatever your theme, make sure to keep your ideal market in mind as you make every choice—from the menu to aesthetics to beverages.

3. Location, Location, Location

Have you ever noticed that food trucks have specific spots they like to frequent? That’s because in the food service business location matters. Even if you aren’t planning to have a food truck, think like you own one. Where would you park your truck every morning? If possible, rent out a property in that area. Make sure your menu and pricing are relevant to the area you chose, keeping in mind the local population.

4. Looks Aren’t Everything

As much as aesthetics are important, it’s easy to get carried away with them and forget to focus on the food. Do just enough to lure your customers in to try your food. Once that’s done, let the food and services you offer do the rest. That does not mean your restaurant design should not be captivating. Every single article of decor should serve a particular purpose and speak to the atmosphere that you’re trying to create, whether it’s the artwork on the walls or a simple salt shaker. Altogether, look for ways to balance form and function.

5. Online Presence

The global pandemic has affected businesses across the board. At this point, everyone has to think about offering delivery services and implementing new social distancing and public health guidelines. You’ll need to set up an online ordering feature, add some disposables to the mix, and start delivering. In addition to adding an ordering and delivery feature, spruce up your social media pages. If people can see you regardless of their proximity to your establishment, there’s a solid chance they’ll patronize you more regularly.

6. Great Food

In the end, it all boils down to the food you serve. Some people are pulling in tons of money serving food out of shacks. That’s because, ultimately, delicious and Weight Loss Foods pulls in customers. Americans eat out several times each week, so customers are yours for the picking. You can attract customers to your restaurant with the above tips, but your food’s quality and taste will keep them coming back for more.

Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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