Being a single parent is a struggle on its own. You have to take care of your child and find a job to support your small family. However, some single parents may have other ambitions and would like to pursue their college or university qualification dreams.

The challenges a single parent student faces are different and may be harder to overcome. That doesn’t mean that you have to quit on your dreams, though, you can pursue further education despite the challenges you may face. How? Here are five tips for studying as a single parent.

1. Don’t feel Guilty of Being Selfish

As a single parent, you may fall for the trap of feeling guilty of being selfish that you are robbing your child off a chunk of your time. The reason behind this is the time and attention that college needs while you study in and out of the class.

That time is usually just a short period of time because most of the time you will spend in class is the time that your child will also be at school. In the same way, your child will also use the time you spend on assignments to do his own homework.

The abovementioned proves that you should not feel guilty about being selfish, instead focus on the benefits and make them known to your child.

If you feel that your quality time with your child is slacking off because you are doing an online course, you can get custom assignment help. With the help of online expert writers who can do thesis, dissertation, term papers and all other writing work, you can continue with your studying, working, and being a mom.

2. Have a Support System

Being a single parent may build up the instinct of surviving independently because the father or the mother of your child left you. However, not all people are like that. You probably have a family that cares for you and is supportive of your career dreams.

It is crucial for you as a student, especially single-parent student, to have a support system that will assist you. All students are relying on some support system, be it parents, friends, or another family.

What you can do is set up a schedule, so they know when you need some help. If you don’t have a personal support system, you can turn to your student services team where you can get help for your specific needs.

3. Develop Study Habits

Effective study skills are essential for you as a single parent and maybe the methods you used before having your child may not be relevant anymore. Develop new study habits that will be able to accommodate your new lifestyle, especially considering the new developments.

You need to bond with your child, but at the same time, do not compromise on your education. You can take little study breaks and sometimes have playtime with your child so that he or she doesn’t feel abandoned.

Scheduling everything into a timetable will help you develop positive study habits that help you achieve good grades and still have a strong relationship with your child.

4. Involve your Child

Don’t be a lone wolf when you study but rather make it a family event by scheduling to do your schoolwork while he does his homework. That will flip a boring studying session to a fruitful bonding experience with your child because you will both be at the same table.
Above that, they will set example such as loyalty to your study time and will get to see how you study. Also, your child will be able to ask for help when you study together, so it’s a win-win for both of you.

5. Prioritizing is key

Juggling being a single parent and college is not an easy task, but it is possible to do so if you prioritize. All guides that teach you how to succeed in college as a single parent have the common ground of including a part about prioritizing. There are 4 points you should prioritize on, sleep, work, your child and school.

In opposition to social norms of college students always being sleep deprived, you shouldn’t neglect this point. Always strive to get quality sleep, especially because of your additional responsibility.

It will be hard to keep your gears from turning when you don’t get enough sleep and that is bad business for your sanity and for improving the grades of your chosen course of study.


It is possible for you as a single parent to get into college and get that degree you have always wanted. To accomplish that you will need some determination and the humility of asking for help and accepting the help you receive from others.

A plan of action is needed to implement your study schedule successfully. Follow a timetable and make use of study apps. It may also be beneficial to explain to your child why you will be busier than usual and help him understand the point. Lastly, don’t forget to study as a family for the benefit of you both.

Author Bio:

Jeremy Reynolds is a freelance writer and editor for various digital magazines. His main areas of interest areas are business and finance, edutech and international markets. In his free time, he likes spending time writing about passive income ideas, watch latest flicks on TV and play golf with his friends.

Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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