Do you have a secure internet connection at your home? Are you sure that your Wi-Fi connection is protected?

As the number of connected user’s increases, the risks and attacks via the internet grow.

There are many devices that nowadays are connected to wireless networks: smartphones, tablets, laptops, video games. The wireless connection is fast and many different devices can be connected to the same router without any additional equipment.

However, not all people are concerned about network security and the virtual dangers that may be haunting your home.

Here are twelve helpful tips on how to protect your home network and strengthen the access of your data.

1. Strengthen your network with cryptographic information

First, set unique passwords for each user. A strong password with the use of letters, numbers, and symbols is always essential to remove the possibilities of attack. Since it is really hard to remember difficult passwords, you can use data protection tools to easily manage your passwords. Finally, you can use security certification programs such as WPA or WP2 to protect your wireless network.

2. Keep the antivirus updated

Although it seems like an obvious recommendation, one in every four computers does not have up-to-date security software and only one in every twenty smartphones is protected. Those who use antivirus software should always check if there are any new updates. New forms of virtual invasion are emerging every day and outdated tools may not be enough to stop attacks. The market offers an infinity of free software options to keep that fundamental task up to date.

3. Keep your operational system updated

The easiest and most practical way to do this is to configure the system so that the computer updates automatically whenever there is a new version of applications and tools. The new version of the operating system is always more secure than the old one.

4. Keep an eye on the software

It is strongly recommended to regularly update your software. Less up-to-date programs, such as Java and Adobe Reader, are more likely to be affected by cyber attacks.

5. Change the name of your network

Routers that come directly for use, usually have passwords from their manufacturer’s network or even their model. In this way, it can be easily hacked and your device can be invaded by malicious software. Use passwords that are confusing, and not related to your home or family, so that your network wouldn’t be recognized.

6. Discard outdated applications

When software becomes obsolete, publishers stop worrying about it. So, it’s time to discard it. If a hacker discovers a security flaw, there is a huge risk that a device or software with sensitive data can become a victim of a cyber attack.

7. Creativity when defining passwords

As mentioned before, the combination of letters, numbers and symbols can decrease the chance that your password could be leaked with all your confidential information. If you have difficulty creating unusual passwords it is better to use password management software. Also, try not to repeat the router password in emails or other devices as it could be easily discovered by hackers.

8. Clean your hardware

A very important and valuable tip that many people may not realize: old hard drives, pen drives, phones, and backup drives can be full of highly personal data, such as passwords and other log-on credentials. Be sure to clean them before reselling or physically destroying them. If you are going to lend a pen drive or use it on another device, be sure that the files and information contained are not personal or confidential.

9. Control yourself on social networks

There could be a lot of people on social networks who could use your personal information, photos or phone number against you. It is important that you do not share all the details of your personal life on social media, especially if this information can be easily accessible to many people on the internet. Carefully check what you post on social media and that it won’t include any details related to your home address or log-in information.

10. Disable the display of the network name

It is possible to hide the name of the router, not allowing it to be displayed when there is a wi-fi signal in the nearby areas. When the signal is shared, the only drawback is having to type the name of the network manually.

It is also important to keep your router in a safe place, as hackers can gain physical access to your router to change security settings or steal information.

Do not place your router outside of the house or at any place accessible by other people. Router must be installed in a safe place inside the house.

11. Change the router password frequently

If you have shared your wi-fi password with other people since you installed your router, it is advisable to change your password frequently so that other users won’t be able to automatically log in and cause some harmful actions to your personal account and data. This will also save your internet bandwidth if you have a limited internet bandwidth package.

12. Share information

Get in the habit of sharing helpful safety tips and information with everyone you know, especially those who live under the same roof. It’s a fact, cybersecurity starts at home.

In conclusion, smart home appliances are an essential part of our life. Your home network security is very important as it can be used as a tool for serious crime and do serious harm to your personal data.

Follow these useful tips to fully protect your home network from outsiders.

Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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