Every website needs a little help gaining traction and increasing traffic. Here’s how you can build sustainable traffic to your site!

Test Your On-Page SEO

While many people use Yoast or a similar plug-in to assess the SEO of a blog article or single post they may not use it on their pages. On-page SEO is one of the best ways to increase your traffic from search engines directly.

SEO friendly pages will help your website’s home page, about us page, and more gain exposure. You can hire a reputable SEO company to optimize your on-page SEO.

Appeal to Your Local Area

Although Google knows the location of your business or knows which area you work out of, that won’t help you. Using keywords that include your city and state can help people find your website based on location as well as the quality of your site’s content.

This tip works exceptionally well for any business that has a storefront. But, many online-only companies use it too and offer “local” discounts!

Read Also3 Essentials for Designing Different Types of Websites

Embrace Content Marketing

SEO content marketing is a great way to pass this burden on to someone else. A media manager or SEO content manager will solely focus on building more traffic to your site. They should use only ethical practices and conduct thorough keyword research to ensure that you’re grabbing the attention of your target customers.

Set Goals and Monitor Daily

Although it may seem obsessive, tracking your current traffic will naturally increase the likelihood of success. This statement is true of any goal, which is why tracking and monitoring are so important to marketing strategy.

Set regular traffic goals and monitor where your traffic is coming from. Keep in mind that marketing strategies are flexible. If after a week or so of tracking you realize that social media is not generating the traffic it should, you can change how you handle that facet of marketing.

Read AlsoOptimizing Your Company’s Website

Consider tracking your search engines referrals, and how many pages each visitor reviewed. You can gain insight on what content is performing well and update your site to retain visitors for longer!

Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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