Getting your water supply directly from the ground sounds both terrifying and astonishing. You might have relocated to the countryside recently and now realize that your water supply has to come from the ground through a well. This might mean that you won’t have a monthly recurring water bill, but it does mean your water might not be 100% clean. It’s inevitable for some of the earth and sediments to wind up in your well water, so to best fix that issue, let’s discuss well water filtration systems.

So how do you treat the water to get it fully sanitary and consumable? We have all the answers to all your well water filtration system questions. Which one should you choose? What do you need to consider? Where should you buy it? We’ll cover all of these and more!

What Are the Problems With Well Water?

Well, water is a great natural water source, but as we’ve insinuated already, it comes with its own box of problems. One of the biggest issues for those who have an active well water source is gritty water. This is due to the sheer number of sediments and earth that make their way into the water, which makes the well water grittier and less pleasant to drink or bathe in. Sediment filters are quite common and affordable, so removing sediments and ground pieces from your well water is quite easy, but sediments aren’t the only water contaminant you should keep an eye out for.

Another major issue to consider with well water is bacteria and minerals present in your well. As private good owners do not have already treated water, the lack of chloramines and chlorine can pose dangers of higher bacterial and viral infection. One of the biggest threats is coliform bacteria, which include bacterial strains such as E. Coli. Coliform bacteria may leave you with symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal cramping, nausea, or fever. This can occur in various ways, even in piped water supplies, but this is especially common for well water due to agricultural and industrial runoff. Agricultural runoff may even increase nitrate and bacterial contamination of your well water due to the pesticides that seep into the soil.

To keep your well water running smoothly and fully sanitary, we recommend that you test your water annually, at the very least, to ensure the safety of you and your family. If you live near a construction, dairy, livestock, or face flooding, we recommend conducting water tests more frequently. Especially if there have been floods or water runoffs, do not drink the water until it has been tested to avoid risking your health. Another way to keep your well water pure is by treating it as it enters your home–well water filtration systems will be your best friend. Here are some of the best filters you might consider for your well water.

What Filters Do I Need for Well Water?

As you might have already figured out, well water has troubles that range from large sediments to harmful bacteria, but in some cases, we have no other option but to use well water, so how do we fix the issues at hand?

Let’s dissect each of the problems your well water might have and which type of well water filtration system might be best suited for you. For instance, if you have trouble with scaling or mineral build-up around your home due to the water in your well water, you might want a 3 stage anti-scale water filter. These filters work by removing sediments in the water and preventing future scaling and corrosion in your homes. These filters also alleviate the bad taste and odor that might be pungent from your well water.

In case you’ve tested your well water to find bacterial or mineral imbalance, you might need to up the game and go for a stronger well water filtration system. In case of already detected contaminants, you may implement either Reverse Osmosis filters or UV Ray filters, both of which are highly effective in eliminating bacteria. What differentiates these, though?

As the name suggests, UV Ray filters work by implementing UV rays to remove bacteria. But what many find troublesome with UV ray filters is that it travels through a straight line; thus, they cannot kill bacteria that do not come in contact with that line. For this, you would have to implement a sediment filter to boost its filtration.

Reverse Osmosis filters, on the other hand, are killer filters that remove 99% of water contaminants—these work by pressurizing water through a semipermeable membrane, separating water from its impurities. To get an effective water treatment, you can combine a Reverse Osmosis filter and the UV ray filter, but that becomes extremely costly, so what is another option?

A vortex water treatment is a very innovative and water-intuitive water treatment that filters out all of the toxic water contaminants and helps improve the water quality. Reverse osmosis filters might eliminate all of the harmful contaminants, but it means that they also remove all of the essential minerals from the water as well. Vortex water treatment ensures that water stays in its most optimal and balanced condition while also removing all toxic and harmful pathogens.

What to Consider When Choosing the Best Well Water Filtration System

We have already discussed the various types of well water filters you may consider buying to keep your well water pure and sanitary, but how do you decide which is best for you? We have some matters you might want to consider when choosing the best well water filtration system.


Various filters require to be placed at different locations; certain water filters might have to be placed at the water supply source, such as the tank you keep your water in. Some have to be attached to where the water source enters the home, while others have to be placed directly at your faucet. This is important to consider as you might have to replace the filters every couple of months, so the more difficult it is to change it, the harder it will be for you.

Regional Requirements

Ideally, the well water filtration system you use should be customized to the regional requirements and concerns. Regular water tests will show a pattern in what bacteria or hard metals are most frequently present in your well water. If you live in an area that has frequent rain or floods, then you’ll need better water treatment management than a place that hardly faces these issues. Ensure the filter you purchase covers all the concerns your region might face.


There are two things you should consider when it comes to expenses; 1. The initial cost, and 2. Recurring maintenance cost. So sediment filters are usually cartridge-based, which have to be replaced every couple of months; these might not be expensive but might add up annually. In the case of reverse osmosis and UV ray filters, these both have a high initial cost that might not be plausible.

When purchasing your next well water filtration system, make sure to keep these factors in mind. Another important factor that might not be a deal-breaker but should also be considered is customer service. A filter warranty and satisfaction guarantee should always be available to you.

Where to Buy Well Water Filter Systems?

We’ve covered all the problems with well waters, what filters you can use as well as what to consider when making your filter purchase, but where can you buy these filter systems? There are quite a few places you can go to purchase the ideal well water filtration system. You can purchase them online at retailers’ websites, on Amazon, or at the nearest appliance store.

If you’ve been beguiled by a vortex water treatment for your well water filtration system, then The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ has you covered. With easy installation, no upkeep maintenance required, and affordable pricing, vortex water will be right at your wells and your homes.

Vortex water is widely theorized as water in its most optimal state, with the micro-clustered molecules in a hexagonal shape. This occurs due to the way water continuously moves in nature but fails to happen in other water sources such as well. The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ helps restore its astonishing capabilities by implementing a double-spiral to recreate the water’s natural flow. Vortex water, once revitalized, has numerous properties and benefits.

• Entirely eliminate bacteria, viruses, and harmful contaminants; vortex water has the ability to self-clean continuously.
• Maintain essential minerals (such as calcium and magnesium) within the water
• Increased levels of dissolved oxygen
• Balanced pH levels

You can easily purchase your next well water filtration system over at The Vortex Water Revitalizer™. You can find the ideal product for you with a guaranteed 10-year warranty and a 60-day money-back guarantee! No customer is left unsatisfied.

Digital Marketing Consultant and a Blogger. Ben has more than 5 years of experience in Blogging and Internet Marketing. He has been a technology/lifestyle writer for years and launched many successful projects.

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